Sunday, 21 September 2014

Dishes - Daging Lembu Naik Bukit

I don't normally post about food. But this one is something worth sharing. This is a Cambodian dish called "Daging Lembu Naik Bukit". Yes, its in Malay! Funny thing is that the name is in Malay but they dont speak much Malay. So their pronunciation goes haywire. There...

Friday, 19 September 2014

Backpacking tips - Orientation

Backpacking tip: no matter where you travel to, the best and probably the cheapest way to get oriented to the area is by riding; be it on motorbike or cycling. And you may never know what hidden gems you'll encounter too! #adventuresofyanparker #piyopiyo #cutebasket #yanparkertravellogue ...

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Songs of the wind

"It takes great skill to craft a song that inspires. The kind of song that fills the dark corners of doubt with possibility and purpose. Anything is possible and everything is attainable. Think hard about those wild dreams and reckless adventures. Press play and chase after it, friends....

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