I have this whatsapp group that I play little to no active part in but i refuse to leave just cos im in awe at how beautiful their relationship is with one another.
I shall give you examples: whenever a person posts something that is deemed kinda emotional on social media, almost everyone would spot it and then show concern and make doa for them etcetc.
When a guy isnt active for a while in the group, they would ask him if he's okay. When someone posts a pic of a family membership on social media, people from the grp would spot that his dad has changed and asked whether he's sick. Sometimes i do get a personal text from one of the guys. Sometimes from diff guys in the group too! They all just text me to tanye khabar and if im doing well. No hidden agendas. No ill intentions. Genuinely just tanye khabar. And thats it! Funny thing is that i dont even know them well(some, at all!). So sometimes i'd get random numbers texting me. Haha! I feel so paiseh not knowing their names even.
Furthermore, what's even more special about this group is that everyday they will make it a point to make doa for one another. Everyday one random person will greet good morning, then a bit of an uplifting message, then followed by a doa. And everyone else follows. Except me. Hahaha well i try too sometimes but its sooo awkward!
Best of all, we rarely even meet! When we meet(maybe once a year), I always get culture shocked. They are such humble, well-mannered people that they even talk with no harshness in their choice of words or tonality. Even when they're joking with one another! Just plain total Akhlaq awesomeness.
I mean these are the things that are qualities of a good muslim. Showing concern not just to a person, but the people in his life and the people he cares about too, making doa for them, being observant in your friend's life, constantly making contact. These are the things that our Prophet saw taught us. It's the way to foster good sillaturrahim. Unfortunately, we don't see this very often. It is very much lacking in society nowadays.
Best of all, did i mention that these people are around our age. So really guys, what's our excuse??
Its soo inspiring. They are real life role models for me. I always aspire to at least be a touch like them. InsyaAllah. I pray for you too.
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