Monday, 10 August 2015

Conquering Ijen

Conquering Ijen

"The aim of every step we take should be to please and worship our Lord, and a necessary component of this is to fully appreciate the beauty around us in all its magnitude and depth. On my journeys, I realized that the meaning of being a traveller is far deeper than I had first thought. It is to see, hear and feel its beauty; to marvel at the artistry of Allah swt. 

With the right mindset, travel becomes a spiritual process that fundamentally transforms your existence, and it is essential for every Muslim to experience. In this way, I understood that the purpose of travel was not just to go, but to be."

#adventuresofyanparker #coolkids#yanparkertravellogue #ijen

Muhammad Alfiyan, 27. A Singaporean. A proud Muslim. Often confused with Spiderman.

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