Monday, 12 October 2015

Knowledge. Cultures. Diversity

I often hear people ask me, "Why do you go to Country X? What's there? It's so boring." Every time I venture overseas, I often come back tired. So tired I usually take MC the following day just to sleep in. 

My purpose of backpacking/travelling is to open my eyes to other cultures, beliefs and practices, their way of life and its simplicity. And most importantly, to appreciate the good life we have in Singapore, Alhamdulillah. Every place has something new to offer no matter how 'boring' it seems to be. These are experiences we can't find here in Singapore and these experiences are ever so invaluable.

 "Travel for the sake of knowledge. Pursuing knowledge is ibadah." 📷: @_aniq_

#adventuresofyanparker#yanparkertravellogue #rgn2k15

Muhammad Alfiyan, 27. A Singaporean. A proud Muslim. Often confused with Spiderman.

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