Friday, 4 March 2016

Goodbye ChampiYans League

3 years ago, I created what is called, ChampiYans League, in which I personally organised a futsal event every Friday night. I created this to collectively combine all my different groups of football mates to come and play together and also to spread the awareness of playing proper futsal.

During those 3 years, we definitely had so much fun. Made so many new friends. Even stars like Izwan Mahbud and much more recently, Syarif Sleeq have grazed our pitches. Played 7 aside, 5 aside. With video recordings and all. Sometimes as much as 60 people came down! So much fun! Throughout the years, I even got known as being "budak yang main Friday night" amongst random people on the streets/field.

People may think my job is easy, but it sure as hell is not! Saying that its tough is an understatement. I have seriously grown very tired as it can get very mentally draining. Having said this, it brings about a great deal sadness to inform you that I am NOT capable of organising this consistently anymore.

However, this event can continue if I can get help from others to organise. Or if there's still demand. Cos right now, to source out for people to play every single week is soo draining. If either one of these 2 criterias are not met, I will sadly let this tradition die.

Since this is probably a life changing event for some too, to help you adapt, for the month of March and April, I will still continue organising. However, if I do not get a definite number of 4 teams by THURSDAY, I will cancel it. I will NOT ask around for more people.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who have been involved throughout the years. It surely has been an amazing journey with you guys! We will meet again soon. InsyaAllah.

For AS Capilano dudes, I think it's about time we return to BV Court. Those who wanna join us to get their regular football fix, let me know. I'll update you again.

Mr Bizkut
Muhammad Alfiyan, 27. A Singaporean. A proud Muslim. Often confused with Spiderman.

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