Stories from Kampung Treas: His name is Omar. It was our final day in Kampong Treas. So we spent some time with the kids teaching them how to fold stars and battle cars.
While seated on the floor, teaching the boys, I noticed that Omar had isolated himself from the group. I thought he probably wasn't interested. However, 10mins later, he stood beside me, tapped my left shoulder and quietly presented me with a flower he folded from paper! As he doesn't speak Malay/English, he then pointed to the stars that we've made and gestured for me to follow him.
So, I followed him back to his corner while Hanif entertained the rest of the boys with their newly made battle cars. I witnessed him patiently crafting a box from paper and after which he gathered the stars we folded previously and put them all in.
The flower has a note which says 'Thank You' and the box has his name on it and also a Khmer saying which I forgot what it means.
I'm soo touched and humbled by this. As I've said before, we came there with an intention to touch their lives. However, we were moved even more.
It's even more awesome that this seems all too familiar ain't it. It's like deja vu. Hmm.