Showing posts with label sundown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sundown. Show all posts

Monday, 30 May 2016

Sundown Marathon 2016 - Battling Demons

I may look like a Kenyan but due to my medical condition, throughout my life, I have always struggled with regards to fitness and especially running; even though I seem to play football every other day.

I will always be the first to run out of gas in any football game. I have always struggled to take the 2.4km run. Heck, I am still exempted from ippt. Years back, i told myself in order to enjoy playing what I love, I gotta build up my stamina and fitness level.

So with this goal in mind, I set myself to conquer my limitations. My condition will not be an excuse for not enjoying my football.

Years later; now, my fitness level is at its peak.

I'm not a fan of running. Never ran more than 5kms before. Never been a fan of going for marathons. I mean I why pay to run when you can do it by yourself for free? That's my logic(this logic still stands after I ran this race). However, UniSIM offered major discounts for Sundown Marathon. And my fitness levels are at its peak. So why not right? HAH

24 hrs before the race, I had 3 football sessions plus work. So I was already jaded coming into the race. My body was already shutting down even before the horn blew.

But I pressed on.

I didn't stop at all. I jogged all the way till the 9.3km mark @ 55mins. That's when all hell broke loose. We had to run across a bridge which has a gradual upslope.
Oh god, as soon as my feet felt the sudden change of inclination, every single leg muscle cramped up! It was crazy. I was in crazy pain. My lungs were still able press on though. However, my muscles were about to give up. I was scared that I couldn't complete the race. I felt so down.

So I stopped. Did some quick stretches and found myself some much needed motivation for that final burst. At that point of time anything will help. So I offered a little prayer, picked myself up, gathered all the remaining arsenal that i've got and I fought the inner cramp demons within me and limped all the way till the finish line.

Getting to the finish line not only meant that I had completed the race, it also meant that I had finally finish university studies. The feels of passing through that line was simply overwhelming. After 3.5 years, 1 final lap, 1 final mile.

Upon reaching, I immediately sought medical medical attention for my legs. And the rest is history.
My final time was 1hr 8mins. I aimed to complete below an hour but looking back, i think it's fine especially for a first timer.

So yeah.

Moral of the story: I believe to overcome odds and achieve success:
1) you have to have the belief.
2) commitment. Do the hard work. Put in the effort; practice, train.
3) make prayer. Always put God in between whatever you're doing. He listens.
4) tawakkal.

I've got another match today. #prayforalfiyan